Saturday, August 28, 2010

What you won't find at lake Oconee

Lake Oconee may be the best lake in Georgia because of what it does NOT have. For example...
1. There have been no sightings of any of the 9 species of poisonous birds in the Lake Oconee area. If you've never been bitten by the Blue Crested Rattle Thrasher, you are indeed fortunate.
2. There are no Dream Archer Squirrels, known for their ability, when threatened, to propel a stream of psychoactive spittle that causes the victim to become unconscious and lapse into a dream-like state characterized by vivid, not-altogether unpleasant visions. Efforts to establish a breeding population in the area have so far proven fruitless.
3. The Bouncing-Betty Toad, not present south of a line extending roughly east between Cedartown and Augusta, has a relatively harmless yet startling habit of springing up to seven feet at a 45-degree angle toward an approaching perceived threat...not a recommended experience for anyone with a weak constitution.
4. People who have experienced the presence of the Tennessee Stun Sturgeon while swimming report an electrical sensation that caused battery-operated wrist watches to lose up to three hours. This skittish creature has never ventured south of Watkinsville.

These are just four of the animals that have never been identified in or around Lake Oconee, which is just one more reason Lake Oconee has become a premier refuge from the cares of the world.